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Cutting-Edge Laser Dentistry in Brooklyn, NY

Delivering Optimal Oral Health in a Laser Driven Holistic Way

If you’re looking for an expert in laser dentistry, you’ve come to the right place. Our dentist, Dr. Simon Kappel, uses laser dentistry to target dental implants, gum disease, and many other dental services. Dr. Kappel and Beyond Dentistry Laser Center provide porcelain veneers and cosmetic makeovers in addition to laser dentistry services. Dr. Kappel’s goal is to enhance patient comfort and convenience while providing his expertise to help restore your smile. Dr. Kappel is a dedicated dentist, which means if you come in for a cleaning and another issue is discovered, it will be fixed then so you do not have to come in for another appointment. Beyond Dentistry Laser Center is located in Brooklyn but we have patients from within and outside the country that travel for our one-hour turnaround and zero hassle process.

Call our Brooklyn Dentist Today at (718) 650-2408 for your Appointment

Contact Us

Dental Implants From $159 per Month(Financing Available)

Invisalign From $199 per Month (Financing Available)

Teeth Whitening for $200

One-Hour Dental Implants in Brooklyn, NY

One-Hour Dental Implants in Brooklyn, NY

While dental implants are commonly considered to be the best solution for missing teeth, the implant process typically takes many months and multiple visits to the dentist. Dr. Kappel utilizes laser dentistry to provide you with dental implants in just one hour. Laser dentistry allows us to perform implants much faster, and our method reduces traditional dental implant side effects, including swelling, bruising, and pain. We streamline the process, and Dr. Kappel handles every step from start to finish, unlike traditional implants requiring at least two separate doctors.

Minimally Invasive Treatment for Gum Disease in Brooklyn, NY

Minimally Invasive Treatment for Gum Disease

Gum disease is somewhat common, but that doesn’t mean it should go untreated. In addition to harming your teeth and gums, bacteria can spread throughout the rest of your body and cause additional health issues. Dr. Kappel uses laser dentistry, which has proven reliable in preserving tissue and bone to combat gum disease. Thanks to modern dental technology, treating gum disease with laser dentistry is now a minimally invasive procedure.

Invisalign Teeth Straightening Treatment in Brooklyn, NY

Straighten Your Teeth Discreetly with Invisalign®

Dental technology has come a long way since the wiry braces of the past. Invisalign® is widely considered to be the gold standard when it comes to straightening teeth quickly and effectively. This preferred treatment option uses clear aligners that are more comfortable than traditional braces and works faster than conventional means. Invisalign® straightens teeth without the need for unattractive wires and braces, so no one will know you’re using it until your smile has been restored.

Professional Teeth Whitening Services in Brooklyn, NY

Professional Teeth Whitening Services

If your teeth have become discolored over the years, your best teeth whitening treatment option is Glo Science®. Dr. Kappel can help you regain your confidence and self-esteem by restoring your smile with the accelerated results of this advanced teeth whitening solution.

Effective Dental services in Brooklyn, NY

Dr. Simon Kappel has Over 48 Years of Experience

Beyond Dentistry Laser Center’s Dr. Simon Kappel graduated from New York University’s College of Dentistry in 1976. Dr. Kappel began providing implants to his patients in 1985. He is a member of the American Dental Association (ADA), American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), and American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID). Dr. Kappel offers dental treatments that are unique and ahead of their time. Contact us today to learn more about the dental implant services offered by Dr. Kappel and Beyond Dentistry Laser Center.

Porcelain Veneers for Patients Who Want a Brighter Smile

Dr. Kappel is proud to offer porcelain veneers to restore your smile. He has dramatically improved the appearance of thousands of patients with cracked, chipped, dark, or overlapped teeth. In just two visits to Beyond Dentistry Laser Center, you could walk out looking like a celebrity with a million-dollar smile. Dr. Kappel can help you if you want brighter teeth or to lengthen teeth, and he can also close gaps in your teeth, restore the edges of your worn teeth, widen the display of your smile, and protect your existing enamel.

Request an Appointment

Beyond Dentistry Laser Center

1315 53rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219


Hours of Operation

Monday: 10:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Tuesday: 10:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 10:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Thursday: 10:30 AM – 6:30 PM